Planting ideas

Purple roseling makes an unusual houseplant

On a recent trip to Kenya to visit a friend, I discovered a plant called the purple roseling and wondered if it would make a good houseplant in the UK. Well, to be honest, at the time I didn’t know that was what it was called. In fact it really foxed me, and although it looked familiar, I couldn’t .....

Purple roseling makes an unusual houseplant

On a recent trip to Kenya to visit a friend, I discovered a plant called the purple roseling and wondered if it would make a good houseplant in the UK. Well, to be honest, at the time I didn’t know that was what it was called. In fact it really foxed me, and although it looked familiar, I couldn’t .....

Other seasonal plants to grow at home…

Take inspiration from some of the plants which David grows in his own house and garden.

Best alliums to grow

It often comes as a surprise to many gardeners that alliums are all members of the onion family and .....

Show time for tree peonies

With burgeoning flower buds getting ready to burst, late April and early May are show time for tree peonies. .....

Best daffodils for spring

As we go through March into April, I always reflect on the best daffodils for spring. It's a good .....

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