What is the best scented flower for winter?
It's official, I have a passion for daphnes and in my opinion these are the best plants for scented flower in late winter. Don't get me wrong, they're not .....
It's official, I have a passion for daphnes and in my opinion these are the best plants for scented flower in late winter. Don't get me wrong, they're not .....
Pots and containers of summer flowers are reaching the end of the road by early autumn, and it's time to hold off on the watering. This not only helps .....
These classy bulbs deserve a place in everyone's garden, whether naturalised in grass, planted in a border or grown in a large container - and they're great for bees .....
In the hunt to find trees suitable for small gardens, we often overlook the benefits of planting fruit. Not only do you get the benefit of beautiful spring blossoms, .....
Some of the most beautiful spring-flowering plants that grow well both in sun and shade are forms of pulmonaria. I first remember seeing this form of the lungwort at .....
Helleborus foetidus Common name: Stinking hellebore The unappealing common name of this plant refers to the strong, pungent smell given off by the leaves when they are crushed. .....