Planting ideas
What is the best scented flower for winter?
It's official, I have a passion for daphnes and in my opinion these are the best plants for scented flower in late winter. Don't get me wrong, they're not new to me. But they seem to have come back into my life and my garden! When I was much younger, back in the 1970s, the only daphne that I'd .....
What is the best scented flower for winter?
It's official, I have a passion for daphnes and in my opinion these are the best plants for scented flower in late winter. Don't get me wrong, they're not new to me. But they seem to have come back into my life and my garden! When I was much younger, back in the 1970s, the only daphne that I'd .....
Other seasonal plants to grow at home…
Take inspiration from some of the plants which David grows in his own house and garden.
Purple roseling makes an unusual houseplant
On a recent trip to Kenya to visit a friend, I discovered a plant called the purple roseling and .....
Coronilla – best for winter scent
I love plants that flower in the winter, especially as so many of them have wonderful scent – and .....
Essential anemones for the autumn garden
Autumn seems to have arrived in a soaking, blustery rush this year and I've been really cheered by the .....
Michaelmas daisies – the perfect plants for autumn
Ever since I was a boy, I have admired Michaelmas daisies, and after years of gardening I still think .....
The best exotic hardy tree for small gardens
Whatever size of garden you have, there should always be space for at least one tree and this exotic .....
The best plant for butterflies
Having grown plants for butterflies, bees and other insects for many years, I've decided that Asclepias tuberosa is one .....
How to grow gladiolus in the garden
See gladiolus growing in their native habitat, and it can be hard to make an immediate connection with the .....
Hardy scheffleras for exotic foliage
Mid-summer is the time when the patio are behind my house becomes filled with exotic-looking foliage plants, which .....